Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Some new infos about Powerpoint empowerment!

During technology class, we have learnt about 'How to Make the Powerpoint Better'?. It was conducted by Miss Ng. I realized that more elements in the slides does not help the audience to understand better because it look messy. The less and only the important information in the slides would be better in order to make the presentation interesting. Besides, i was amazed to see one of the example that she showed us. If not mistaken,its about the presentation on 'Identity', conducted by one English man. He talked a lot and along with he put many motion pictures that are related to his topic. It was fun but he talked so much which i think i could hardly do so,like the others too,i guess. From now on, i will always try to utilize the knowledge that i gained during this class onto my slides presentation in the future. Therefore, the less is better and no longer the more is merrier. That is all for this time.

1 comment:

ainie said...

HI come again to your site... I would like to say that the power of powwr point is not denied. You should learn effectively via the use of power point. Besides, in future... you can use the knowledge for your future classroom.